Distributed Collaborative Editing and Distributed Party Programming
de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC:
de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.StfRemoteObject de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.shared.Constants

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setTree (SWTBotTree tree)
void setTreeItem (SWTBotTreeItem view)
void shareProject (String repositoryURL) throws RemoteException
void shareProjectConfiguredWithSVNInfos (String repositoryURL) throws RemoteException
void shareProjectUsingSpecifiedFolderName (String repositoryURL, String specifiedFolderName) throws RemoteException
void importProjectFromSVN (String repositoryURL) throws RemoteException
void disconnect () throws RemoteException
void revert () throws RemoteException
void update (String versionID) throws RemoteException
void switchProject (String projectName, String url) throws RemoteException
void switchResource (String fullPath, String url) throws RemoteException
void switchResource (String fullPath, String url, String revision) throws RemoteException

Static Public Member Functions

static TeamC getInstance ()

Member Function Documentation

void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.disconnect ( ) throws RemoteException

Perform the action "Disconnect from SVN" which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Select the given project and click "Team" > "Disconnect..."
  2. click "Yes" to confirm the disconnect


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "Disconnect..." . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.


Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

static TeamC de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.getInstance ( ) [static]
void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.importProjectFromSVN ( String  repositoryURL) throws RemoteException

Using this method you can import a project from SVN (Other variant to import a project from SVN is in the method . which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Clicks main menu "File" > "Import..."
  2. Selects SVN -> checkout projects from SVN and click the button "next"
  3. In the next page select the repositoryURL if the repositoryURL already exists,otherwise create a new one and click the next button
  4. In the next page select the folder to be checked out from SVN and click finish to confirm the import project with SVN process.


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "share project" . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.

    repositoryURLthe repository location

Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.revert ( ) throws RemoteException

Perform the action "revert" which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Select the given project and click "Team" > "Revert..."
  2. click "OK" to confirm the revert
  3. Waits until the shell "Revert" is closed. It guarantee that the "Revert" action is completely done.


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "Revert..." . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.


Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.setTree ( SWTBotTree  tree)
void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.setTreeItem ( SWTBotTreeItem  view)
void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.shareProject ( String  repositoryURL) throws RemoteException

Perform the action "share project with SVN" which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Select the given project and click "Team" > "Share project"
  2. Select the repository type "SVN"
  3. If the given repository URL is already existed, then select the URL and confirm the popup window
  4. Otherwise check the checkbox "Create a new repository location", enter the given repository URL and click "Finish" to confirm the share project process
  5. Waits until the shell is closed. It guarantee that the share project action is completely done.


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "share project" . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.

    repositoryURLthe repository location

Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.shareProjectConfiguredWithSVNInfos ( String  repositoryURL) throws RemoteException

Perform the action "share project with SVN, which is already configured with SVN repository information" which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Select the given project and click "Team" > "Share project"
  2. Select the repository type "SVN"
  3. click "Finish" to confirm the share proejct process


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "share project" . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.
  3. this method is only suitable for such project, which still include the SVN meta information.

    repositoryURLthe repository location

Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.shareProjectUsingSpecifiedFolderName ( String  repositoryURL,
String  specifiedFolderName 
) throws RemoteException

using this method you can import a project from SVN (Other variant to import a project from SVN is in the method which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Select the given project and click "Team" > "Share project"
  2. Select the repository type "SVN" and click next
  3. In the next page select the repositoryURL if the repositoryURL already exists,otherwise create a new one and click the next button
  4. In the next page activate the radio button "Use specified folder name", insert the given folder name in the text field and click finish to confirm the import prorject with SVN process.


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "share project" . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.

    repositoryURLthe repository location
    specifiedFolderNamethe name of the folder, which already exists in the repository, e.g. trunk/examples

Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.switchProject ( String  projectName,
String  url 
) throws RemoteException

Perform the action "switch to another Branch/Tag" which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Select the given project and click "Team" > "Switch to another Branch/Tag/Revision..."
  2. Enter the given URL to the combobox text field with the title "To URL:"
  3. click "OK" to confirm the switch
  4. Waits until the shell "SVN Switch" is closed. It guarantee that the "switch to another Branch/Tag/revision" action is completely done.


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "switch to another Branch/Tag" . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.

    projectNamethe name of the project located in the package explorer view, which you want to share with other peers.
    urlUpdate working copy to the url.

Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.switchResource ( String  fullPath,
String  url 
) throws RemoteException
void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.switchResource ( String  fullPath,
String  url,
String  revision 
) throws RemoteException
void de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.impl.TeamC.update ( String  versionID) throws RemoteException

Perform the action "switch to another revision" which should be done with the following steps:

  1. Select the given project and click "Team" > "Switch to another Branch/Tag/Revision..."
  2. uncheckt the checkbox with the title "Switch to HEAD version"
  3. Enter the given versionID to the text field with the title "Revision:"
  4. click "OK" to confirm the switch
  5. Waits until the shell "SVN Switch" is closed. It guarantee that the "switch to another revision" action is completely done.


  1. Makes sure, the package explorer view is open and active.
  2. The function should treat all the recursive following actions, which are activated or indirectly activated by clicking the sub menu "switch to another revision" . I mean, after clicking the sub menu you need to treat the following popup window too.

    versionIDthe ID of the revision to which you want to switch

Implements de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.stf.server.rmi.superbot.component.contextmenu.peview.submenu.ITeamC.

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